Friday, September 28, 2012

Bloody Snow

By Renae Paraiso
Editor in Chief

This little creation I made during the seventh grade as an assignment in my art class. It was done in photoshop elements, and we, the class and I, had to make backgrounds with that and art tablets. The work was fun to say the least, and your probably pondering to yourself, "Why is the snow red?" Before you ask, yes that is snow, and I just felt like it. Most people want to have a white Christmas, but I thought I would have been better if it was a bloody one. Pretty morbid yes, but that's how I am.

If you're interested to see more of my creations, click Down the Rabbit Hole and you can see what else I'm up to.

Interview with Mr. Higgins

By Chris Vivanco and Marino Martinez
Staff Writers

Mr. Higgins

We walked over to Mr. Higgins's classroom to interview him, but he was busy teaching and he told us to give him a moment.  We waited for him to finish his lesson and then he came out and asked us how he could help us.  He was very polite.  We told him that we had some questions to ask him for an interview as we are staff writers for the school newspaper. He said ok so we got out our pen and paper for notes, and started to ask him questions.

The interview was a good one. We asked him all the questions we had with us, and he answered them all.  For some of the questions he answered with silly answers. These are the questions we asked him:

Q: How many years have you been teaching at Webster?
A: Three.
Q: What college did you graduate from?
Q: What is your best way of teaching?
A: Being strict.
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: Just babies!
Q:What is your favorite food?
A: Tacos.
Q: What is your college degree?
A: Anthropology
Q: Would you rather teach another class?
A: No.
Q: What do you do in  your free time?
A: Reading.
Q: How old are you?
A: 34 years old.

Well, that was the interview. Thank you for taking your time to read this. We hope you enjoyed this interview.  Make sure you look for the next Webster teacher interview with the awesome Ms. Macris.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Paul Ryan, Candidate for Republican Vice-President

By Alexia Garcia
Staff Writer

Paul Ryan was born on January 29,1970 in Janesville, Wisconsin. His dad was Paul Ryan, Sr. who worked as an attorney. His mom, Betty Ryan, was a stay at home mom. Paul Ryan had one sister named Janet Ryan. Paul also had 2 brothers, Tobin and Stan.

At age 16 Ryan found his father, only 55 years old, dead in his bed from a heart attack.

Ryan has been married to Janna Ryan since 2000. They have three kids, a daughter named Liza Ryan, and two sons, Sam and Charlie.

Ryan got a degree in economics and political science at Miami University in Ohio in 1992. In 1998, at age 28, Ryan was elected to the U.S House of Representatives, representing Wisconsin Congressional in District 1. While working in the U.S. House of Representatives, he has also worked on the House Budget Committee and also is a member of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Ryan has criticized several of President Obama’s political and spending plans, as well as his 2012 – 2013 federal budget proposal. Now Ryan is currently running for Vice-President of the United States of America.

Works Cited

"Paul Ryan Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. <>.

United States Congress. Official Portrait of U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI). 2012. Photograph. Wikimedia Commons. United States Congress, 2012. Web. 2 Oct. 2012. <>.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Portal, Game Revew

By Jesus Diaz  
Staff Writer                                                                                                                                            

Portal is a skill game on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC platforms.  It is rated T for Teen.  There also is a sequel, Portal 2, out now. In the game you have a Portal gun. One side of the gun is blue, and if you shoot that side of the gun at a cement wall, it will teleport you to an orange portal.  The gun also has an orange side.  If you shoot that at a wall, and then shoot the blue wall next to it, you’ll go through the blue portal.  The gun shoots blue and orange colors.

Blue and orange portals

The purpose of the game is to escape the building you’re trapped in, and all you have for a weapon is your portal gun, which takes you to different places in the building.  Beware of the bad robots in the game that can shoot you.  You can’t shoot them back, but you can knock them down.  You can find out how if you play!

You should check out both Portal and Portal 2.  Portal 2 is now available for $29.99 and you can buy it at Game Market inside Xbox 360, at he Playstation Store inside the PS3, and download it onto your PC. You can also buy it at Game Stop and Best Buy.

I would give this game five of five stars.

Works Cited

"Portal." : Video Games. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <>.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Owl Hoots

Ella Beebe
Staff Writer

Owl Hoots
Student Voices
Saying what's happening
with green and white words
Owl Hoots
Student Voices
Owls fly sky high with news to spare
And hoots heard across the sky
Owl Hoots
Student Voices
Student write ideas sky high
With voices heard across the school
Owl Hoots
Student Voices
Have your voice heard
Owl Hoots
Student Voices

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Owl Hoots

Ms. Bender

Student writers.  Voicing their Truth:

Opinions.  Editorials.  Sports.

            Science.  Politics.  Interviews.
                        Art & Entertainment. Technology.

Letters to the Editors.  Student writing.


All the news that’s fit to print.

Owl Hoots.  Student Voices.

            Owl Hoots.  Student Voices.

                        Owl Hoots.  Student Voices.

One and the same.