Friday, May 17, 2013

What Do You Know About The Mars Rover?

Maliik Ayuso
Staff Writer

From Sputnik to Apolo-13 to the 2012 Mars rover, Curiosity, space exploration has always been interesting to people both young and old.

A Mars rover is a robot that NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) launched into space to find new things and bring samples back such as rocks, sand and other things from Mars for them to study. The recent launch of Curiosity was a success, because it landed on mars and NASA got results immediately. The rover was named by an eleven year-old girl  named Clara Ma.

Curiosity’s head has a big red dot that is called the ChemCam. Under the ChemCam, are two protected cameras that help it see and locate targets.  Curiosity grew three meters when they attached the neck and head. Curiosity then had some tests done on it, and it was able to move its crane perfectly. Then the rover spun in a full circle perfectly. The rover was then put in an Areoshell, which protects the rover from intense heat. Finally, a year later the rover launched on August - 5- 2012.

 Work Cited


Administration." NASA. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. >.

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