Friday, November 2, 2012

The Democratic Party Platform

Alexis Childs & Ella Beebe
Staff Writers 

"America, this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the pages of the politics of the past,” That quote was delivered by our president, Barack Obama during a Democratic presidential nomination victory during June 2008. President Obama is a runner in the current presidential campaign. These are his stances on important issues presented in the race and by the public.

Fighting For Education
Currently President Obama has a program for families that cannot afford to pay for school/education. President Obama has a program, “Race to The Top” that helps improve students education. Just with this program, President Obama has made a difference to dozens of states. President Obama has helped approximately nine million students get an education with his programs.

Plans for Jobs and Economy
Seven hundred thousand jobs were diminishing each month, until President Obama started stabilizing the financial system, preventing a second Great Depression. Now, plenty of jobs are being filled. President Obama is trying to lower taxes so even more jobs will be available to more fellow Americans. One of his goals is to end all tax loopholes and strengthen the economy.

Civil Rights
Democrats have been fighting towards a discrimination free nation. They stand up for all Americans that encounter everyday discrimination. Democrats believe in same sex marriages. Approving a platform for marriage equality is a step towards their goal.

Energy Independence
President Obama is working towards developing all of America’s natural resources like domestic oil, gas, wind, solar and biofuels and encouraging fuel efficiency. The President has cut net oil and petroleum imports expanded domestic oil production. He is also working on doubling fuel efficiency and renewable wind, solar and geothermal energy.

President Obama is currently addressing environmental issues, like protecting endangered animals and ecosystems. This is part of the reason why he is investing in clean-energy. During President Obama’s last position in office the Department of Transportation had a new fuel efficiency standard. People have started regulating carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired factories. For the first time the U.S will catalog green house gas emissions.

Health Care
Democrats have passed a comprehensive health reform so that by 2014 discrimination can be eliminated entirely. It has started to expand health coverage to thirty-two million more Americans and provide the largest middle class health care tax cut in history. The Affordable Care Act is trying to stop the worst companies’ abuses to the public in need of health care and policies about applying for and retrieving health care, while making tax cuts to small businesses. Tax credits that are given to families, businesses, and the federal government will reduce deficit by at least one trillion dollars in the next two decades and reduce fraud.

Immigration Reform 
The Democrats have been working toward hard about our immigration system. They have been trying to secure borders to reduce the flow of illegal traffic. They are also looking into unscrupulous businesses that exploit undocumented workers. And they think that those who are living in the US illegally will should admit it, pay taxes, and learn English before becoming an American citizen.

National Security
The Democrats believe national security is important so they are ensuring that troops have training and equipment. They also ensure that support for themselves and their families are provided. The Democrats are also trying to prevent terrorism across the globe. They are also keeping biological and nuclear weapons away from terrorists. Democrats have also been promoting and investing in intelligence and information sharing among allies. While rebuilding strategic allies with countries that share a common value and threat.

Open Government
The Democratic Party supports an open, transparent, and responsive government. They have implemented the most sweeping ethics and transparency requirements in history. They are also trying to limit the influence of special interest groups and to ensure the government is accountable and to provide information for citizens about the government and their actions. They are also interested in bringing accountability to federal spending and to rein the influence of lobbyists and shutting down the “Revolving Door” (allowed lobbyists to move freely from the government back to special interests). President Obama wants to open communication to the public and to increase cooperation with non-profit organizations, businesses and different levels of the government.

Science and Technology
The Democrats have been investing in technology and jobs of the future and increasing support for more advanced research, labs and classrooms. They believe that scientific research plays an important role in advancing science and technology in classrooms and labs. And to equip the next generation with the tools and skills that lead to technological innovations and scientific breakthroughs. For this reason Democrats have taken steps to expand educational opportunities and make college more affordable for all Americans. They have been working on improving the quality of schools and teachers. Democrats have lifted federal restrictions on stem cell research and new sources for doctors.

Retirement Security
President Obama is fighting to protect social security and fighting against privatizing social security. The Democrats have been working on strengthening Medicare. The health reform has strengthened the Medicare trust fund and expanding its life by more than a decade. President Obama and the Democrats have been helping Americans save for retirement.

Voting Rights
For a long time Democrats have been fighting for equal and just voting rights. They are fighting for voting rights because people are still having trouble voting, the minority, young, elderly, disabled, military members and veterans. They are having trouble voting because of lack of polling places, outdated voting machines and unnecessary complicated laws. They have been working on the progress that needs to be made for a system that is easily accessible, open and fair.

Works Cited

 Barack Obama on Education." N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. <>.

Democracy 2012 Your Voice Your Vote. 2012. Photograph. Http://<TV's_7_Action_News'_Democracy_2012,_Your_Voice,_Your_Vote_Video_Open_From_Late_2012.jpg, n.p.>

"" Democratic National Committee, 2012. Web. 01 Nov. 2012. <>.

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