Staff Writers
The Republican Party’s Mitt Romney is a runner in the current presidential race. These are his stances of issues presented by the public.
The Republican Party’s Mitt Romney is a runner in the current presidential race. These are his stances of issues presented by the public.
Mitt Romney wants to promote confidence in the public about the economy. He is pro-businesses and he supports America’s free-market economy.
National Defense
Mitt Romney and the Republican Party support President Ronald Reagan's stance on national defense, which is peace through strength. They believe in protecting America’s homeland and confronting global terrorism. They will maintain defense against threats from nuclear proliferation.
Health Care
Romney and Republicans support reforms that will lower costs of of healthcare, ensure quality healthcare and lawsuit abuse. He also opposes government run healthcare providers.
Romney supports a world-class system of of primary and secondary schools. This system has high standards and encourages all students to meet their full potential. They also believe parents should choose where to put their kids in the school system.
Romney and the Republicans believe in energy independence. They support nuclear, clean coal, solar wind, geothermal, hydropower, drilling for oil and natural gases for power. Romney is against the cap-and-trade legislation. The cap-and-trade legislation will cause people to pay national energy taxes and it might kill jobs and raise utility prices.
The Republicans believe that judges shouldn’t make the law, only interpret it. Romney wants to demonstrate fidelity to the US Constitution by trusting the judicial system to base rulings on law and only law.
Gay Rights
Romney is strongly against gay marriage. If elected he will write into the constitution that marriage is between a man and a women only. Romney opposes gay marriage but is also opposed to unjust discrimination, such as racial, religious and sexual discrimination. Romney wants to recognize domestic partnerships by giving them shared health benefits and rights of survivorship. He also believes that every child deserves a mother and father.
Romney supports a law that will prevent women from getting abortions if she becomes pregnant. Todd Akin, a republican Congressman, also says that when a woman or girl is raped then her body shuts down and prevents her from becoming pregnant. This is part of the reason they support this law and thinks it should be legalized.
Works Cited
"Our Party." GOP. Republican National Committee, 2012. Web. 31 Oct. 2012. <>
Republican Party Platform Has a Lot to Say About Science. 2012. Photograph. Http://, N.p., n.p.
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